Humans are social beings with conflict being a part of life. However, each one’s conflict resolution styles may differ from person to person. Conflict Resolution is essential in one’s personal and professional life. In the corporate world, one’s conflict management style dictates the levels of success as the higher you climb the ladder, the higher the need to manage people and conflicts. What is conflict management? Conflict management is the ability to sensibly, fairly, and efficiently identify and handle conflicts. The conflict resolutions style must also include the ability to collaborate successfully with others. This is crucial for every senior position as well as daily management in one’s personal life.
How does one measure the conflict resolution style? The Matrrix Conflict Resolution Style Assessment is designed to help you identify your key areas of strengths and areas of improvements. This helps you define your personality better with a deeper understanding of yourself.
What is the Matrrix Conflict Resolution Style Assessment (CRSA)?
The Conflict Resolution Style Assessment is a personality assessment test with 50 loaded questions aimed at helping you understand your conflict resolution style. The question –answer-analysis system offered by Matrrix helps you reflect upon personality traits and, in turn, change or improve on the way you handle conflicts. The aim is for you to adopt better-suited methods for your conflict styles that display your skills and responses to handle such situations with ease.
Who Needs the Conflict Resolution Style Assessment?
This conflict management assessment is a necessary requirement for all professionals from any industry, be it; Information Technology, healthcare, education, finance, media, consulting, art, among others, homemakers, and students who are looking to improve their lives and professional prospects. It is suitable for professionals at all levels who are willing to make the necessary changes to enable them to relate better with those they work with and to minimize the effects of unresolved conflict. It is ideal for those who want to build better relationships, lead others, and themselves to achieve their goals, gain new insights, and work effectively with others.
Conflict management is the ability to sensibly, fairly, and efficiently identify and handle conflicts
Benefits of the Conflict Resolution Style Assessment
For individuals;
- Answering the Conflict Resolution Style Assessment helps you bring a change to the way you deal with conflicts.
- The results of the CRSA will help you identify and work on your strengths and problem-areas.
- An improved understanding of team management skills that may, in turn, improve one’s chances of career growth.
- Learn different perspectives on how to approach conflict management.
- Higher awareness of one’s conflict resolution style. This creates more openness to collaboration and understanding different viewpoints.
There are numerous benefits for organizations when their team members are better at conflict resolution such as;
- Lesser risk by preventing aggression among disgruntled staff
- Increased productivity when stress is reduced.
- Improved time management with reduced costs when there are fewer tussles over business decisions
Identifying 5 Conflict Management Styles through the Assessment
The assessment includes a conflict management questionnaire to help you identify your conflict resolution style. There are several conflict resolution styles such as;
1. Accommodating
This conflict resolution style is also called giving in and requires that the parties agree to accommodate, acknowledge, and accept the viewpoint of the other. It is most effective when there is an expert or more suitable solution. However, the outcome may lead to the accommodator feeling undermined and dissatisfied with the conflict resolution results.
2. Collaborative
As the name suggests, this conflict resolution style involves working with others to resolve the conflict. It entails listening to the conflicting parties’ sides, discussing agreements and goals, and ensuring that all the parties arrive at an understanding. This style values creative problem-solving and not just relying on concessions by either side.
The Matrrix Conflict Resolution Style Assessment is designed to help you identify your key areas of strengths and areas of improvements
3. Assertive
This is also known as competing. This conflict resolution style involves standing one’s ground and not wavering. It may be alright if you truly believe that your position is correct; however, because of its competitive nature, this style can be inconsiderate of the other party. It also leads to short-term results that may not be sustainable, and the likelihood of a conflict reviving is high.
4. Compromising
Compromising, as a conflict resolution style comprises consideration by the parties and the decision to look for common ground. It largely involves negating smaller details and looking towards the larger picture. The draw-back of this style might be the likelihood of passive-aggressive tendencies that may be used to undermine the conflict resolution process.
5. Avoiding
This conflict resolution style may come with its own problem-areas. It requires no courage or consideration for the other party. It merely involves ignoring the problem and pretending that it does not exist. It is exhibited in many forms, such as stonewalling, pretending that there is nothing wrong or completely shutting down.
Depending on one’s personality, they may be one type entirely or use a mixture of the different conflict resolution styles. The CRSA aims at letting you discover how you currently resolve conflicts and if you need to improve your conflict resolution style.
If you are interested in identifying and improving your conflict management style, Matrrix has the answer for you. Click here to begin the Conflict Resolution Style Assessment. You can even get your team members to join as we have great bulk discounts. Please begin the conflict management questionnaire in a calm place. Select an option that is closest to your answer. The analysis is not final or binding, you can always make changes to your conflict management style to be your best version. Questions? Write to [email protected].